1. [PDF] UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository)
Following this hypothesis, and building upon simplicity theory, the paper proposes a novel computational approach. Keywords. moral responsibility, legal ...
2. Amsterdam Law School
Bevat niet: simplicity | Resultaten tonen met:simplicity
The Amsterdam Law School is the Faculty of Law of the University of Amsterdam. Through our education and research we work on stronger legal institutions, solutions to social problems, and a better and juster society.
3. Dr. G. (Giovanni) Sileno - University of Amsterdam
Electronic engineer with a PhD in AI & Law, and postdoc studies in cognitive systems, he works in various fields related to AI and Computer Science research: ...
G. Sileno. Faculty of Science. Informatics Institute. Science Park 904.
4. OSCAR: Home
Want to know more about the United States Courts? Learn about the federal judiciary, duties of federal law clerks and staff attorneys, qualifications, salary, ...
5. University of Amsterdam
Bevat niet: law | Resultaten tonen met:law
University of Amsterdam
6. Symplicity Log-in - University of Illinois College of Law
Symplicity Log-in. The College of Law uses Symplicity to coordinate and facilitate recruiting and job placement of our students and alumni.
See AlsoHot 100 List - July 2024The College of Law uses Symplicity to coordinate and facilitate recruiting and job placement of our students and alumni. Please contact our office via email to receive login information: law‑career@illinois.edu.
7. Required Reading: John Portmann - VIRGINIA Magazine
Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil liberated me from simplicity. I fell in ... law dean UVA hires Pitt's student affairs veep UVA Law dean stepping down ...
An assistant professor of religious studies, John Portmann (Grad ’95) most recently authored A History of Sin. His other books include Bad For Us: The Lure of Self-Harm and Sex and Heaven: Catholics in Bed and at Prayer.
8. UvA News - University of Amsterdam
'With the demands of modern life, some women are drawn to the simplicity of traditional roles.' 25 July 2024. Why do some women choose the tradwife lifestyle?
UvA News
9. publications, conferences, workshops - Giovanni Sileno
Simplicity Bias in Human-generated Data, Cognitive Science Society ... Workshop on Artificial Intelligence, Law, and Philosophy, joint to JURIX 2023 (ALP2023).
Giovanni Sileno, Personal webpage. Articles, Presentations, Teaching materials. - Publications