November 25, 2024 Minutes (2024)












<![if !vml]>November 25, 2024 Minutes (1)<![endif]>


of the

Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan


No. 1

Monday, November 25, 2024

10:00 a.m.

This being the first day ofthe meeting of the first session of the thirtieth legislature of the provinceof Saskatchewan for the despatch of business,pursuant to a proclamation of His Honour the Honourable Russ Mirasty,Lieutenant Governor of the province, dated the thirteenth day of November,2024, Michael D. Boda, Chief Electoral Officer, delivered to Iris Lang, Clerkof the Legislative Assembly, a roll containing a list of names of such membersas had been returned to serve in this legislature, as follows:

Regina, Saskatchewan

November20, 2024

To: Iris Lang

Clerkof the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan

This is to certify that byreason of the dissolution of the twenty-ninth Legislative Assembly of theprovince of Saskatchewan and by virtue of the writs of election dated the firstday of October last and addressed to the hereinafter mentioned persons asreturning officers for the provincial constituencies set opposite theirrespective names for the election of members to represent the said provincialconstituencies in the Legislative Assembly;

Those persons named hereinin the attached have been duly elected to represent the provincial constituencyset opposite their respective names as appear by the returns of the said writsdeposited on record in my office.
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Member Elected

Returning Officer


Leroy Laliberte

Marlene Daigneault


Darlene Rowden

Ed Brockman


Daryl Harrison

Kathi Rutledge


Sean Wilson

Jennifer Lizuck

Carrot River Valley

Terri Bromm

Rose LeCuyer


Jordan McPhail

Grace McLeod

Cut Knife-Turtleford

James Thorsteinson

Helena Long

Cypress Hills

Doug Steele

June Wills

Dakota-Arm River

Barret Kropf

Anne Willner

Estevan-Big Muddy

Lori Carr

Gwen Van De Woestyne


Racquel Hilbert

Cathy McMann


Chris Beaudry

Eileen Schur


Kim Gartner

Pam Welter

Last Mountain-Touchwood

Travis Keisig

Jan Schulz


Colleen Young

Terri Bruynooghe


Blaine McLeod

Cheryl Gamble


Jamie Martens

Cynthia Paul

Meadow Lake

Jeremy Harrison

Eunice Sergent


Todd Goudy

Rosie Ottenbreit


Warren Kaeding

Kathy Adams

Moose Jaw North

Tim McLeod

Adele Owatz

Moose Jaw Wakamow

Megan Patterson

Sunil Pandila


Kevin Weedmark

John Kort

Prince Albert Carlton

Kevin Kasun

Lorraine Brassard

Prince Albert Northcote

Alana Ross

Al Dyer

Regina Coronation Park

Noor Burki

Stephanie Molloy

Regina Douglas Park

Nicole Sarauer

Bert Yakichuk

Regina Elphinstone-Centre

Meara Conway

Margo Soriano-Hale

Regina Lakeview

Carla Beck

Anthony Merkel

Regina Mount Royal

Trent Wotherspoon

Denis Pilon

Regina Northeast

Jacqueline Roy

Malcolm Eaton

Regina Pasqua

Bhajan Brar

Fred LaClaire

Regina Rochdale

Joan Pratchler

Vicky Bonnell

Regina South Albert

Aleana Young

Sandra Benson

Regina University

Sally Housser

Jo Szostak

Regina Walsh Acres

Jared Clarke

Laureen Larson

Regina Wascana Plains

Brent Blakley

Guy Hughes


Jim Reiter

Howard Claypool


Scott Moe

Ralph Epp

Saskatchewan Rivers

Eric Schmalz

Jeanette Krayetski

Saskatoon Centre

Betty Nippi-Albright

Andrew Allsopp

Saskatoon Chief Mistawasis

Don McBean

Bonnie Semenoff

Saskatoon Churchill-Wildwood

Keith Jorgenson

John Salmon

Saskatoon Eastview

Matt Love

Danny Boyer

Saskatoon Fairview

Vicki Mowat

Bentley Gruell

Saskatoon Meewasin

Nathaniel Teed

Lloyd Howey

Saskatoon Nutana

Erika Ritchie

Theresa Bree

Saskatoon Riversdale

Kim Breckner

Chris Gelineau

Saskatoon Silverspring

Hugh Gordon

Heather Torvi

Saskatoon Southeast

Brittney Senger

Corrine Lees

Saskatoon Stonebridge

Darcy Warrington

Donald Paul

Saskatoon University-Sutherland

Tajinder Grewal

Patricia Englund

Saskatoon Westview

April ChiefCalf

Roger Ryckenboer

Saskatoon Willowgrove

Ken Cheveldayoff

Lorna Casavant

Swift Current

Everett Hindley

Nora Tinant

The Battlefords

Jeremy Cockrill

Al Gabert


Terry Jenson

Murray Sanders


Michael Weger

Marianne Skolnik Robillard

White City-Qu’Appelle

Brad Crassweller

Elaine Nistor

Wood River

David Marit

Deborah Hapke


David Chan

Christina Denysek

Themembers, having previously taken the oath and having subscribed the rollcontaining the oath, took their seats in the Assembly at 10:00 a.m.

The Clerk ofthe Legislative Assembly informed the Assembly that she had received acommunication from the Private Secretary to His Honour the Lieutenant Governorstating that His Honour would open the session at 10:00 a.m. today, Monday, thetwenty-fifth day of November 2024.

10:01 a.m.

His Honourthe Lieutenant Governor entered the Chamber and took his seat upon the Throne.

The Hon.Jamie Martens, Provincial Secretary, then said:

I amcommanded by His Honour, the Lieutenant Governor, to inform you that he doesnot see fit to declare the causes of the summoning of the present legislatureuntil later today, when the Legislative Assembly shall have elected a Speakeraccording to law.

His Honourthe Lieutenant Governor then retired from the Chamber.

10:02 a.m.

Pursuant tothe provisions of rules 41, 42, and 43 inclusive, the Assembly proceeded to theelection of a Speaker.

The Clerkinformed the Assembly that only one candidate had declared his intention tostand for election to the Office of Speaker, pursuant to rule 43(1):

ToddGoudy, member for the constituency of Melfort

(Sessionalpaper no. 18)

Pursuant to rule 43(3), Todd Goudy, member forthe constituency of Melfort, was declared elected as Speaker.

The Clerk having declared Todd Goudy elected, hewas escorted to the chair where, standing on the dais, he addressed theAssembly as follows:

I wish toexpress my grateful thanks and humble acknowledgement of the high honour theAssembly has conferred on me. While I leave the floor of this Assembly to takethe Speaker's chair, I leave behind all political partisan biases in order thatI may discharge with impartiality to all and to the best of my ability thevarious and important duties pertaining to the high office of Speaker.

It will bemy aim and duty to uphold the principles and traditions of the Assembly andsecure for each member the right to express his or her opinions within thelimits necessary to preserve decorum; to recognize the rights and privileges ofthe honourable members, the political groups, and the Assembly itself; tofacilitate the transaction of the public business in an orderly manner; and,above all, to seek to be fair and impartial in the decisions you entrust to me.

Thereupon,the Speaker took the chair and the mace was laid onthe Table.

The Assemblyrecessed from 10:24 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.

2:02 p.m.

His Honourthe Lieutenant Governor re-entered the Chamber and took his seat upon theThrone.

The Speakerthen addressed His Honour to the following effect:


The LegislativeAssembly has elected me to the Office of Speaker. If, in the performance of myduties, I should at any time fall into error, I pray that the fault may beimputed to me and not to the Assembly, whose servant I am. On behalf of theAssembly and its members, it is my duty to claim all their traditional rightsand privileges, especially that they may have freedom of speech in theirdebates, access to your person at all reasonable times, and that theirproceedings may receive from you the most favourable consideration.

The Hon.Jamie Martens, Provincial Secretary, then said:

I amcommanded by His Honour the Lieutenant Governor to declare to you that hefreely confides in the duty and attachment of the Assembly to His Majesty’sperson and government. His Honour is confident that the Assembly’s proceedingswill be conducted with wisdom and prudence and grants the Assembly’s claim toits traditional rights and privileges.

I amcommanded also to assure you that the Assembly shall have ready access to HisHonour upon all reasonable occasions and that their proceedings, as well asyour words and actions, will constantly receive from him the most favourableconstruction.

His Honour the Lieutenant Governor was thenpleased to open the session with the following speech:

Mr. Speaker, Members of the LegislativeAssembly, honoured guests, people of Saskatchewan.

Welcome to the opening of the First Session ofthe Thirtieth Legislature of the Province of Saskatchewan.

Four weeks ago today, the people of Saskatchewanvoted to choose the 61 members of this new Legislative Assembly.

We should never take for granted the tremendousprivilege that we have in our province and our country to freely choose ourrepresentatives and our government.

This is a new Assembly and just over half of itsmembers 31 of 61 aretaking their seats here for the first time today.

To those new members, and to all the returningmembers, congratulations, and welcome to your Legislative Assembly.

You have earned the right to be here by earningthe trust and support of your constituents.

I know you will work every day to be worthy oftheir trust.


This first day of the Thirtieth Legislaturemarks a new beginning for my government.

In every election, voters deliver a message.

In this recent election, Saskatchewan votersdelivered two messages.

Many Saskatchewan people voted to re-elect mygovernment to ensure a strong economy and a bright future for our province.

At the same time, many other Saskatchewan peoplevoted for change.

My government will deliver both.

My government will keep our economy strong andwork to achieve the targets set in the Saskatchewan Plan for Growth.

A strong and growing economy enables mygovernment to deliver on all the commitments it made during the recent electioncampaign, including making life more affordable for Saskatchewan people.

My government must also do more to address thechallenges of growth challenges like crowded classrooms and accessto health care services.

Voters told us we must do better in these areas,and we will.


Saskatchewan has undergone remarkable changesince 2007.

Our population and communities are growing andchanging.

There are 250,000 more people living in ourprovince.

In 2007, neither Warman nor Martensville werecities.

Today they are, and they are growing.

Since the 2006 census, Warman has grown by over160 per cent and Martensville has grown by more than 112 per cent.

Those are just two examples of many growingSaskatchewan communities.

Saskatchewan is on track to achieve many of mygovernment’s Growth Plan goals, including:
<![if !supportLineBreakNewLine]>

<![if !supportLists]>· <![endif]>1.4 million people living in Saskatchewanby 2030;

<![if !supportLists]>· <![endif]>$16 billion in annualprivate capital investmentby 2030;

<![if !supportLists]>· <![endif]>Increasing agricultural value-addedrevenue to $10 billion a yearby 2030; and

<![if !supportLists]>· <![endif]>Doubling forestry salesto $2.2 billion by 2030.

Saskatchewan has already achieved and exceedmany of my government’s Growth Plan goals, including:
<![if !supportLineBreakNewLine]>

<![if !supportLists]>· <![endif]>Increasing total export value by 50 per cent compared to 2018;

<![if !supportLists]>· <![endif]>Increasing manufacturingvalue by 50 per cent compared to 2018;

<![if !supportLists]>· <![endif]>Increasing Saskatchewan’sagri-food exports to $20 billiona year; and

<![if !supportLists]>· <![endif]>Increasing the annual leave of potash sales to $9 billion.

Growth is good for our province, but it alsomeans more people who require access to health care services and growingstudent enrollment.

It is the responsibility of my government toensure it too is changing to meet the priorities of a changing province.

Today marks a new beginning a new opportunity to act on what my government heard during theelection campaign.

An opportunity to bring a new focus to mygovernment and deliver the changes that will improve the lives of Saskatchewanpeople.

On the doorsteps, candidates who are now memberson both sides of this Assembly listened to voters.

Those voters said they want their government to:
<![if !supportLineBreakNewLine]>

<![if !supportLists]>· <![endif]>Improve access to health care services;

<![if !supportLists]>· <![endif]>Provide better supportto our children in their classrooms; and

<![if !supportLists]>· <![endif]>Better represent them by being more responsive to their concerns.

That message has been heard and my governmentwill act on it.

A new beginning starts with a clear-eyed appraisalof what is working and what is not working.

My government will build on what is working.

In those areas where it must do better, mygovernment will do better.

My government will focus on ensuring that itsinvestments produce results.

That focus will ensure that Saskatchewan people:
<![if !supportLineBreakNewLine]>

<![if !supportLists]>· <![endif]>Will be able tofind a primary health care provider;

<![if !supportLists]>· <![endif]>Will be able toaccess surgery in a timely manner;

<![if !supportLists]>· <![endif]>Will have accessto mental health and addiction recoverysupports when they are needed; and

<![if !supportLists]>· <![endif]>Will feel safe where theylive.

That work starts today.


My government will do better to support patientsand the health care needs of Saskatchewan people.

My government will continue to accelerate thehiring of health care professionals and will expand urgent care centres toensure more people have better access to a doctor, nurse practitioner and otherhealth care professionals.

The first urgent care centre in Regina is up andrunning, and one in Saskatoon is under construction in a partnership with Ahtahkakoop Cree Developments.

Since it opened in July of this year, the ReginaUrgent Care Centre has served the needs of 14,000 patients, providing timelyaccess to medical care and to mental health services, and assisting inaddressing pressures on the emergency rooms in Regina hospitals.

The urgent care centre is working here inRegina, and that is why my government will open additional urgent care centresin Saskatoon, Prince Albert, North Battleford, Moose Jawand Regina.

In the first few years after my government wasfirst elected, it focused on reducing surgical wait times.

In 2007, Saskatchewan had the longest surgicalwait times in Canada.

By 2014, we had the shortest.

In 2007, about 74,000 surgeries were performedin Saskatchewan.

Last year, more than 95,000 surgeries werecompleted an increase of more than 28 per cent.

However, that growth has not kept pace with thenumber of people needing surgeries and in recent years, surgical wait timeshave lengthened.

To address this, my government will ensure that450,000 surgeries will be performed over the next four years.

Increasing capacity will reduce surgical waittimes to no more than three months.

To meet the need for more health careinfrastructure, five new hospitals are under development in Prince Albert,Weyburn, Esterhazy, Rosthern and Yorkton.

Over four years, my government will invest morethan $2.6 billion into health care infrastructure.

My government will continue to increase thenumber of doctors, nurses and other health care professionals working inSaskatchewan through its Health Human Resources Action Plan.

There were 1,160 more active practicing nursesand doctors licensed in Saskatchewan in 2023 compared to 2022.

My government will continue to build on itsambitious Health Human Resources Action Plan to further stabilize andstrengthen important health care services for urban, ruraland northern residents.

Since the Health Human Resources Action Plan wasintroduced in fall of 2022, my government has successfully recruited thousandsof health care workers in communities across Saskatchewan.

Today, 84 per cent of Saskatchewan people haveaccess to a regular primary health provider adoctor or a nurse practitioner.

That is higher than the national average, but mygovernment knows it can do better.

That is why my government is setting a goal thatevery Saskatchewan person will have access to a primary health provider by theend of 2028.

My government will reach this goal throughpartnership and collaboration with our healthcare providers to deliverteam-based primary care to Saskatchewan people.

My government will work directly with primarycare providers to ensure they have the support they need to deliver healthcarein our province.

To ensure my government engages nursesthroughout the province, my government has invited all nursing teams and theunions that represent them to join a first-of-its-kind patient-focused nursingtask force.

My government will deliver on its campaigncommitments in health care.

It will provide women with the option to docervix self-screening at home for the human papillomavirus (HPV), the leadingcause of cervical cancer.

Saskatchewan will be the second province inCanada to offer this option.

This builds on the commitments made to women’shealth and cancer care in the 2024-25 budget, whichincludes a $3.5 million increase for breast cancer care, the development of aBreast Health Centre of Excellence in Regina and a $1 million grant for ovariancancer research.

My government will make it more affordable forindividuals and couples to access fertility treatments by introducing a newfertility treatment tax credit.

My government will help with the cost ofmonitoring and treating diabetes by expanding no cost coverage for glucosemonitoring systems and supplies to seniors and young adults ages 25 and under.


My government will do more to support childrenin their classrooms by expanding its specialized support classroom model.

This program is showing positive results in theeight schools in which it has been piloted.

My government will work with school divisions toexpand the specialized support classroom pilot to 200 more schools throughoutthe province.

A child’s ability to read at grade level byGrade 3 is the single greatest predictor of future academic success, becausethis is when they transition from learning to read to reading to learn.

My government will focus on improving readinglevels in Kindergarten to Grade 3, giving studentsevery opportunity for academic success throughout their time in school.

More teachers and education support staff willbe added to deliver on these commitments.

Not enough has been done to support our childrenin their classrooms.

My government will address this by increasingfunding to school divisions to help them meet the pressures of a growingstudent enrollment and the challenges of classroomcomplexity.

More schools will be added to meet the needs ofa growing province.

Fourteen new or consolidated school projects andthree major renovations are underway in communities throughout Saskatchewan.

My government has also initiated planning forthe construction of nine new schools and two major renovations.

My government will expand regulated childcarespaces.

There are more than 5,100 childcare spacescurrently under development.

My government has a target to provide fundingfor 12,000 additional new space developments by the end of the next fiscalyear.


Saskatchewan is the most affordable place tolive in Canada.

Still, Saskatchewan people are facing cost ofliving pressures, just like other Canadians.

My government heard this concern on thedoorsteps during the recent campaign.

That is why the centrepiece of my government’selection platform was a plan to make life more affordable for students, forseniors, for homeowners, for families and for everyone.

My government will introduce the largestpersonal income tax reduction in Saskatchewan since 2008 by raising thepersonal exemption, the spousal exemption, child exemption and the seniorssupplement by $500 a year in each of the next four years, in addition to fullyindexing income tax brackets.

As a result, a family of four will save morethan $3,400 over the next four years and a senior couple will save more than$3,100.

When fully implemented, an additional 54,000people will no longer pay any Saskatchewan income tax.

The Saskatchewan Low-Income Tax Credit will beincreased by 20 per cent over the next four years.

Saskatchewan has one of the lowest inflationrates in Canada, largely due to my government’s decision to take the carbon taxoff home heating.

That exemption has already been extended bySaskPower for those customers who use electricity to heat their homes.

During this session, my government willintroduce legislation to extend the carbon tax exemption on natural gas through2025, saving Saskatchewan households about $480 next year.

My government will continue to advocate for thecarbon tax to be eliminated completely, but until that happens, we will ensurecarbon tax fairness by exempting home heating from the carbon tax.

The Active Families Benefit, and the incomethreshold to qualify for that benefit, will both be doubled, making children’ssports, arts, cultural and recreational activities more affordable for morefamilies.

My government will make it more affordable tobuy your first home and to renovate your home.

The Home Renovation Tax Credit will allowhomeowners to claim up to $4,000 in home renovation expenses every year, to amaximum benefit of $420 annually.

Seniors will be able to claim an additional$1,000 every year, for a maximum benefit of $525 annually.

The Saskatchewan First-Time Homebuyers Creditwill be increased by 50 per cent, from $10,000 to $15,000.

For seniors who reside in a personal care home,the Personal Care Home Benefit will be increased by $1,000 a month.

My government will improve affordability forpersons with disabilities.

In 2008, my government created the SaskatchewanAssured Income for Disabilities (SAID) program in response to requests from thedisability community.

The annual amount that an individual, couple or family can earn from employment without havingtheir SAID benefit reduced will be increased by $1,000.

My government will increase tax credits forpersons with disabilities and caregivers.

The Disability Tax Credit will be increased by25 per cent.

The Disability Tax Credit supplement forchildren under 18 will also be increased by 25 per cent.

The Caregiver Tax Credit, which providesfinancial support to families who care for adult children or parents with aphysical or mental impairment, will also be raised by 25 per cent.

Bill 1 of this new legislature will be TheSaskatchewan Affordability Act legislation toenact my government’s campaign commitments to reduce taxes and make life moreaffordable for everyone in Saskatchewan.


My government will help keep our economy strongand build vibrant communities.

My government will ensure Saskatchewan is one ofthe best places in Canada to grow a small business by keeping the smallbusiness tax rate at one per cent.

To help support Saskatchewan’s next generationof entrepreneurs, my government will create a young entrepreneur bursary.

The Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce will beprovided with funding to work with local Chambers of Commerce to award a $5,000bursary to a promising young entrepreneur in their community.

To support the growth of small and medium-sizedenterprises in Saskatchewan, my government will develop a new investment taxincentive based on a proposal from the Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce.

To ensure more young people continue to work, live and raise a family in Saskatchewan after they graduate,my government will increase the Graduate Retention Program benefit by 20 percent.

The maximum benefit for a student with afour-year undergraduate degree will increase from $20,000 to $24,000.

The benefit for graduates of one, two andthree-year post-secondary programs will also increase by 20 per cent.

My government will introduce a $5,000 Class 1Driver Training rebate to help offset the cost of truck driver training.

My government is committed to growing vibrantcommunities through revenue sharing and additional support to keep ourcommunities vibrant.

Municipal revenue sharing increased to over $340million this year.

This funding allows local governments to investin local priorities.

To provide communities with additionalassistance, my government will double the Community Rink Affordability Grantfrom $2,500 to $5,000 per ice surface.

My government will also make it more affordablefor school community councils and parents to construct or refurbish schoolplayground equipment through a new School Playground Equipment Fund.


My government will make our communities safer bycontinuing our effort to add 500 more police officers and 500 more addictionsrecovery spaces.

My government will also strengthen legislationto keep our communities and neighbourhoods safer.

Amendments to The Safer Communities andNeighbourhoods Act will provide officers with additional authority to shutdown nuisance properties.

Further legislative and regulatory changes willaddress disruptive behaviour on public property.

Much of today’s crime in our communities isbeing driven by drug addiction.

That is why my government is creating 500recovery spaces to help individuals access treatment and leave a life ofaddiction.

More police officers, more access to recoveryspaces, more mental health supports and stronger laws that’smy government’s plan for safer communities and neighbourhoods.


This Assembly should always be a place ofvigorous debate and even strong disagreement.

But that debate and disagreement should alwaysbe driven by what is best for those we serve thepeople of Saskatchewan.

It should never be driven by malice toward thoseon the other side or any individual who may serve here or anywhere in theprovince.

Look at the way this Assembly is configured.

When members look forward, they do not see thefaces of the members on their own side.

They see only the faces of those on the otherside.

I urge all members to look at those faces andknow that they love this province and want what is best for the people of ourprovince, just as you do.

My government will strive to improve the decorumand tone of this Assembly, to disagree without being disagreeable, and toremember that every member shares the same desire to make Saskatchewan a betterplace.


This first day of the Thirtieth Legislaturemarks a new beginning for this Assembly and for my government.

Saskatchewan people voted for a strong economyand a bright future, and they voted for a government that will change with achanging province.

My government has heard both messages, and mygovernment will deliver on both messages.

It’s time to get to work.

I leave you now to your deliberations, confidentthat all members of this Assembly will provide the best possible representationfor the people who elected you and for our great province.

God bless Saskatchewan.

God bless Canada.

God save the King.

His Honour the Lieutenant Governor then retiredfrom the Chamber.

2:31 p.m.


The Speakerlaid before the Assembly the lists of names received by the Clerk of the LegislativeAssembly from the Chief Electoral Officer of members elected and returned toserve in this legislature.

(Sessionalpaper no. 19)

Moved by theHon. Scott Moe, that a bill respecting the administration of oaths of office benow introduced and read the first time.

The questionbeing put, it was agreed to and the said bill wasaccordingly read the first time.

TheSpeaker then informed the Assembly that, in order toprevent mistakes, he had obtained a copy of the speech of His Honour the Lieutenant Governor, which was laid upon theTable.

(Sessionalpaper no. 20)

Onmotion of the Hon. Scott Moe:

Ordered,That the speech of His Honour the Lieutenant Governorbe taken into consideration on Tuesday, November 26, 2024.

The Speakerinformed the Assembly that Tahera Hussain, Kaleela Sangwais-Thomson, Chidinma Anosike, Diff Zaumu, UsamaChowdhury, and Moise Mujanama would be Pages for thepresent session.

The Speakerinformed the Assembly that Danielle Humble-Selinger had been appointed aClerk-at-the-Table.
<![if !supportLineBreakNewLine]>

On motion of the Hon. Scott Moe:

Ordered, That thisAssembly do now adjourn.

The Assembly adjourned at 2:45 p.m. untilTuesday at 1:30 p.m.

Hon. Todd Goudy


The followingpapers were filed with the Clerk during the period from October 1, 2024, whichwas the date of dissolution, to November 24, 2024:


Returns, Reports, and Papers

Date Tabled


Members’ accountability and disclosure statements for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 (filed with the Clerk on October 1, 2024)

November 25, 2024


New Democratic Party caucus: Financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2024 (filed with the Clerk on October 1, 2024)

November 25, 2024


Saskatchewan Party caucus: Financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2024 (filed with the Clerk on October 1, 2024)

November 25, 2024


Office of the Independent Member (Saskatchewan Rivers):

Financial Statements for the period ended March 31, 2023 (filed with the Clerk on October 2, 2024)

Financial Statements for the period ended March 31, 2024 (filed with the Clerk on October 2, 2024)

November 25, 2024


Conflict of Interest Commissioner: Opinion in the matter of the Member for Regina Northeast, Gary Grewal (filed with the Clerk on October 21, 2024)

November 25, 2024


Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission:

2023–24 annual report (filed with the Clerk on October 28, 2024)

Supplementary financial information for the year ending June 30, 2024 (filed with the Clerk on October 28, 2024)

November 25, 2024


University of Regina: 2023–24 annual report (filed with the Clerk on October 28, 2024)

November 25, 2024


University of Saskatchewan: 2023–24 annual financial report (filed with the Clerk on October 28, 2024)

November 25, 2024


Carlton Trail College:

2023–2024 financial statements (filed with the Clerk on October 28, 2024)

Supplementary financial information for the year ended June 30, 2024 (filed with the Clerk on October 28, 2024)

November 25, 2024


Suncrest College:

2023–2024 financial statements (filed with the Clerk on October 28, 2024)

Supplementary financial information for the year ended June 30, 2024 (filed with the Clerk on October 28, 2024)

November 25, 2024


North West College:

Financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2024 (filed with the Clerk on October 28, 2024)

Supplementary financial information for the year ended June 30, 2024 (filed with the Clerk on October 28, 2024)

November 25, 2024


Saskatchewan Polytechnic:

2023–2024 annual report (filed with the Clerk on October 28, 2024)

Payee disclosure report for the year ending June 30, 2024 (filed with the Clerk on October 28, 2024)

November 25, 2024


Southeast College:

2023–24 financial statements (filed with the Clerk on October 28, 2024)

Supplementary financial information for the year ended June 30, 2024 (filed with the Clerk on October 28, 2024)

November 25, 2024


Northlands College:

Financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2024 (filed with the Clerk on October 28, 2024)

Supplementary financial information for the year ended June 30, 2024 (filed with the Clerk on October 28, 2024)

November 25, 2024


Great Plains College:

Financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2024 (filed with the Clerk on October 28, 2024)

Supplementary financial information for the year ended June 30, 2024 (filed with the Clerk on October 28, 2024)

November 25, 2024


Saskatchewan Teachers’ Superannuation Commission: 2023–24 Teachers’ Superannuation Plan annual report (filed with the Clerk on October 29, 2024)

November 25, 2024


Government of Saskatchewan: 2023–24 public accounts volume 2, general revenue fund details (filed with the Clerk on October 31, 2024)

November 25, 2024

Disclaimer: The electronic versions of the LegislativeAssembly’s documents are provided on this site for informational purposes only.The Clerk is responsible for the records of each legislature.

November 25, 2024 Minutes (2024)
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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.