Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois (2024)

PAGE TEN ALTON EVENING TELEGRAPH Wood River High Public Speakers Talk in Assembly FIREBKLLE iWood River Mens Brotherhood Ends Member Campaign Tvprs nfj Tlir April bcrn of t.ho publx f.pTikinir ''la'-, i fyforp a assembly! which held In tho of ET'. Alton-Wood River Omimu- nl school altpr- f'Urily'lc Valentino Thr of Wmvj Mar-i vino nit RiVf-r Tifttrr Maw Maicarrl. fim on The nT netiv rrutt.or." Arbull'-i no', on "The World in thr year 5V)," and Durro on "Poultry The r.turlojit'i pave Mi" informative tvpf of UMrl the ivo f.ypo, and Arbuthnot, nnd Ourre spoke t.o entertain tiiPir Iioarpi" 1 ('lara Meyer chairman cf program. Harl'y Whlllock, wmkleman, Arthur Wllken- 1ns, Elmrr TV-mUT, Kllaabeth Rtockrr, (iainori Smith, and Dorothy Monkm demonstrated a phase of training In concentration, In which each pupil began making speech anr! each of the right pupils were talking nt, the same time. hewing- Circle Mrs.

Orvillr McBrlclo. and Mrs. M. Schwciuon carried off the prlz- er, at the meeting of tho Sunshine Hewing Circle, which wa.s entcr- (Alnerl at, the home of Mrs. Luther Dake Thursday nftcrnoon, Mrs.

Chester Taylor was the additional guest. Thaw present at yesterday's meeting -were. Mrs. W. F'ulton, Mrs.

A. E. Mclners, Mrs. Oscar Monkcn, Mrs. M.

Schwenson and Mra. Orvllle McBrl-lc. Mrs. Dake served a course repast Mrs. M.

Schwciifton will entertain the club In two weeks. Phllalhca Class Meeting Mrs. Dickinson, assisted by Mrs. Byron Klllnm and Mrs. Charles Meyer, were hostesses to the members of the Phiiathea class nf the Methodist Church nt the home of Mrs.

LOP Dickinson on Penning avenue today. Dinner Guests Mrs. Max Aszman of Chester, accompanied by Mrs. Herman Weber nntl Mrs. Moyd DeBaum of St.

Louis, were 1 o'clock dinner guests lit the home of C. W. West of 310 Sotlcr place. In the afternoon they were joined by Aszman's niece, Miss Mildred Aszmun, who is a student at the University of Illinois. Aszmnn remained over for week-end visit.

Dlnnw Parly Mrs. Ed Wray of 800 Lovcna avenue was hostess at 1 o'clock luncheon at her home on Thursday, Mrs. Jane and daughter Es- tellc, Mrs. M. Gralff and son.

Syl- vlo, of Williamson. and Mrs. 0. A. Trey of Alhumhra.

Honors Son's Hirtlidny Mr. ami Mrs. Ed Emcrick of 81 Maj-guerito street, entertained on Thursday In honor of their son, Boy, who observed his sixth birthday. A color scheme of purple and Tvhlte was used In the decorative scheme. loEcther with Easter novelties and a birthday cake.

Prizes at games were awarded to Harold Oralner and Robert, Poiha. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Emcrick, assisted by Mlwi Ttuth Belvcr, Miss Trrne Baiter, nnd Mrs. George Emcrick of Alton. Others present were Jewell Ktns, Jean Huggtns, Velma Fosha, John Kestler.

James Keillor, Roma Lee Grummcl, Earl Baker, Ber- Baker, Carol Barton, Lc Roy Kmerick, and his cousin, George Robert Emcrick of Alton. Wood niver Noles Merle Price, a student at the i Slate Normal University at Normal, us visiting his father, Ira Price, on First street, during his Easter vncntlon. Mrs. Ruth Bolin Is visiting her Sister, Mrs. Leo Konzino.

Beaumont Parks arrived Thursday from the University of Illinois to spend tho Eaitrr vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parki. Mrs. William Biu-hcMor accompanied by Walter WUthotU, lett Wednesday for ChampalRti.

and i Thursday accomptiniecl home i by her Uvin sons, John nnd WII-1 Ham, students at the University ot IlltnoLs, to spend the holidays with their parents. Mrs. Herbert Fox had as her guftst the past tew days, her fa- ther, Dr. C. SlaUni.

from Orafton. Dexter Fox also arrived this week from Canton, where ho Is attending high school, to spend the Easter vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fox of Eighth staret. Robert K.

Heathman of St. Lou- Is is spending a two-weeks' vacation the home of his aunt. T. B. Heathmnn of 431 Sixth street.

He is employed nt the T'irst National Bank in Bt, Louis Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Isaminger of Roxam.

moving into the Osborne home, across from tho High on Wood River avenue, Mra. Ben Robinson visited Gordon Sliaffer at Barnes Hoipi- tul In St. Louis Tuesday. Mrs. Roh- Inson accompanied Mr.

Shaffer. who also visited his wife. Charles Btudtman. son of Principal and Mrs. C.

C. Btadtman. 111 at the family home on Lwis Mreet with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs.

Glen De Ately. Mr. Oe Ately's grandmother. Mrs. Harriett Ighthall, who tpent the winter here at their home, to Wupellft today, where ill remain tor the summer months.

were also accompanied by Kilmer and Qlena jr- The Eastern Star Lodge Is planting chicken supper to given Wednesday, April 16, the Evangelical Church. Verdell Wllllama and David Matoney have arrived and are vUit- Attrnd Ammersary Parly of Evangelical Aid Sor.ietv Attendance nt, firr.s In probably will bo increased from now on. For smiling Eleanor 1.9, become, a member of the city's flrr- departmen'. The only woman in New England is shown here In uniform affT Mie hat! been sicntcd with official badge. men arc MudenU In 3t.

Ambrose College, Davenport, la. Amomii of this Baptist Church will hold a bake sale Saturday morning nt- Jacoby's fur- nlturc store, Tlie sale will begin at 10 o'clork. Wood River M. E. Training School Finishes Sessions WOOD ntVER, April an attendnnce of 08 the Methodist Church here Thursday night held the fifth and final session of IU Church Night Training School.

The average attendance at the five sessions, according to the Rev. O. P. Whlt.lock, pastor, was 80, The school was so planned that It combined the worship, educational, and recreational elements, each session beginning with worship services nnd closing with a game period which followed the class period. The group which attended was divided into five clases.

each of which took up a different subject. During the worship services last night communion was given in the church auditorium, which was lighted by candles and an Illuminated cross. Four high school students, Marjorlc Hall, Miss Tola Whttlock, Ralph Tudor and Norman Seals, assisted the pastor In the ceremony. WOOD RIVER. April 3-Henry RaUiert's team was the of thp membership lield by the Brotjirrhood of St.

John's Evant-riical Church here riuring the of organi- sation Thursdav The members Initiator! bv the organization during the drivp totalled 69. Fred Biisne's of UIP pontest, will give a banqurt to the winners at t.hp next, meeting of the Brotherhoori At last mp.ptinK. Mayor Hamilton spoke, and the men held a discussion of problems of Inter-; rst In tho city, Includlnf? the rerouting of Slate Highway No. 3 around the city. Observing the twelfth anniver- of the organization.

125 women attended I ho meeting of tlw St. Evangelical Church Ladies' Aifi Society Thursday afternoon. Hursts from Oranlte City, Alton, Kflwardivllle, Moro. and Belleville present. Tliry Included Mrs.

Martha. Stumps of Belleville, who presltlent of tho southern 1111- nolr, district of Evangelical women's organizations. Mrs, E. Abendrlnk of Edwards- vUle ivsiii the speaker. During the ceremonies which featured the meeting roses were presented to the 12 charter members of the organization, and memorial services were held for four deceased members.

A program consisting of songs, readings, and recitations was given by a group of children. Mrs, Thomas Smlthson sand a solo. The Rev, Orville Brummer, pastor, today announced that the Lancaster players of Alton would present- "Paying tho Fiddler" at the church, April 5. Easter Sunday observance for the Sunday school will start with an egg hunt, which will continue through the Sunday school hour, Open communion will be observed at the morning church services. 10 Mothers Visit River School 'MVEH, April 3 Ten Rajph Harris' room and observed carry out the routine.

Mrs. Blanch Hughes. Mrs. Charles Van Herbert Elliott, Mrs Mrs. Helen Duncan, Ing well, Mrs.

James Alice Chappei, and Mrs. dramatized the twelve day, Mrs. Naomi Wel- -m. No. 8, will observe vis- Harris left for Cham- where he will spend Jiolidays.

Mrs. Wieg- Easter with her par- and Mrs, C. Goodman, In at O- Me.Vr, Pearl Mrs. n.r, Honor ganris' rn' itors' day the ancl will Mr. Peoria.

Captain Cook, first to plant the British flag In Australia, had not Fiono there to find new lands, but hart been commissioned by the British Royal Astronomical Society to observe the transit of Venus across the sun's face from a southern aspect. Berlin's Foreign Colony Counts 3,000 Americans BERLIN More than 3000 are among the 136000 'orelgncrs residing in Berlin. The foreign colony Increased by 4000 In six The cast of Europe Is most heavily represented In Berlin. There are 30.000 Poles. 23,000 and almost, as many Czechs and Russians living here.

Numerous too are the men without a country, the majority of whom are Russian emigres. Almost 13,000 of them have found a sec ond home in Berlin. Wood River Junior Club To Hold Business Meet WOOD RIVER, April Junior Woman's Club will hold Its annual business meeting Monday evening at, Wood River school. At this meeting reports will be made by the various officers, of the year's work. Election of officers will be held and payment of annual dues will be made.

All nine men on this year's cham- pton Texas Christian university basketball squad were awarded a varsity letter. Motor vehicles registrations throughout the world have Increased more than 29 per cent during the last five years. Brice Ryan New Arrivals for Belated Easter Shoppers New Coats Self or fur trimmed. The New Style Treatments. $9.95 to $16.50 Smart Dresses Plain Pastels and Bold Prints In large assortment with style details instantly recognized as correct.

$5.95, $7.95 and $9.95 Your New Easter Hat is here. Perky Straws In Bandeau Shapes. Flower or ornamented trims .88 Shoes For Easter and the Spring Season It, almost. Incredible that shoes such as these could be priced so low. They nre samples of lines you usually pay $6.00 for and J3.77 VATICAN CITY ancient Roman sepulchres have been discovered in the heart of the papal city during the digging of i new approach to the Vatican gardens.

Workmen made the first discovery, and Commendatore No gara, curator of the Vatican museums, directed completion of the excavations. Proceedings in Probate Court I I Katie Pape, it executor claim of F. C. Wii allowed and ordered paid. Bertha and Adolph report l.

and Adoiph Schwades and Bertha Sclnvades having both attained the age of legal majority and each acknowledging receipt or balance due them, guardian Is ordered dis- charKCti. Henry J. Springer, Proor of death testate made. Will printed and admitted to probate. Testimony of E.

o. Springer and Rx-becca 8 Plegenbaum, IttesUng witnesses, heard. Jennie E. Springer named executrix. Bond waived and oath filed.

Letters ordered to issue. Merrill Wehtlng, minor report presented, examined and approved. Theodore Gates. deceased-Final report without account presented and approved. More than one year having elapsed since letters were Issued and all claims and costs nald and executrix being sole legatee, executrix is ordered discharged.

Charles Duelm, report presented and approved. More tVian one year having elapsed since letters were issued and all costs and claims paid, administra- trix is ordered discharged. P. on final report continued to April 7 at 9 a. m.

for notice to heirs. Clerk, ordered to mall notice of final settlement to all heirs. John E. Drury, on petition to probate will continued. Milton D.

Kurtz, Kenneth C. Kurtz, Dorothy M. Kurtz, minors- Guardian's report presented, examined and approved. Ward, Dorothy Wllloughby, having attained age of legal majority and having acknowledged receipt of balance due her, guardian is discharged as to her. Rose Wall report presented and approved.

More than one year having elapsed since letters were issued and all claims and costs paid and distribution made, administrator is ordered discharged. Albert Elmers, motion of executor following claims are allowed and ordered paid: Wegener Meyer, Martin Stelnmeyer, Charles E. Dorr, Dornself and Gus Elmers. Claim of Louis F. Schroeder set for hearing April 20 at 9 a.

m. Clerk is ordered to mail notice of hearing to said claimant. Free Lunch is Bait To Japan Film Fane OSAKA, Japan Free meals are provided by a movie theater here, and the more a patron pays 'or his seat, the more he en- to eat. A first class ticket, costing 25 cents, Is good for curry and rice, crab salad and coffee. A 15-cent ticket has a bonus of coffee and cake.

The theater proprietor says his scheme has attracted 1500 patrons a day, a big Increase. Paris Finds Safety In Denser Traffic PARIS 3 traffic has become so congested that It has reached the safety mark. The wildest driver cannot get up enough speed for a good smash. Stud-marked passages at street also protect pedestrians, but betide the man on foot who to caught outside their pre- usinesslike You can borrow up to $300 from us on your own Income. Pitting repayment terms.

No publicity. You'll find our trained staff courteous and business-like. Come in today. No obligation. Phone 77.

Public Loan Corporation 505 First National Bank and Trust Building Bankrupt Shoe Sale The Remaining Bankrupt Stock of Eckhard Bros. Shoe Store, consisting of high grade Men's and Children's Shoes. WILBUR COON ONE LOT 99c Pair WILBUR COON Enna Jettlcks, Selby and other well-known makes, 99c to $2.99 pair 25c CINDERELLA SHOE DRESSING 5c a Bottle RUBBER HEELS 5c Pair Shoe Strings Ic pair 99c, $1.99 $2.99 A Pair Our Highest Prices Western Shoe Stores 810-812 E. BROADWAY Across from Walnuf Grove Dairy. $1.25 BALL BAND RUBBERS 49c Pair ARCH SUPPORTS Dr.

Scholl and Wizard Regular Metatorsal Supports. 75c to $2.50 $3.85 Kali-sten-iks CHILDREN'S SHOES AT 99c, $1.99 PAIR TIRE PRICES ARE LOWER THAN EVER NOW you can have the tire you've always wanted TOP-QUALITY GENERALS for make of car Qualify in tires has struck a new low price bringing to all car owners an unequalled oppor- tunity to replace doubtful rubber with Generals, at a price that makes further delay In purchasing costly as well as risky. Accidents are caused and happen in a split- too quick to think. Inferior tires wear thin and weak in the same of miles that find Generals as good as new. With Generals so low, no need now to risk your safety or your these famous Top- Quality tires are actually the cheapest to run.

Drive in today for as many as you need. Learn what it means to forget tire worries, ride in new comfort and safety, and save money doing itl Alton's Leading Tire Store ALTON TIRE SALES FORD AND CHEVROLET OWNERS Get our new LOW PRICES 435-37 East Broadway Phone 805 FRIDAY, APRIL' 3, 1931 clncts. He is talr game for and liable to arrest for obstructing traffic. Police statistics show there only 292 fatal traffic accidents last year as compared with 328 the year before. Alimony Clubs Crowding Britain's Debtor Prisons LONDON show that about 12,000 debtors arc sent to prison yearly in England.

Many are husbands unable to pay separate maintenance allow-, ances to wives, Tax defaulters also are numerous. Debtor prisoners may wear their own clothes, receive letters and talk when taking When they pay their debts, they are released. The wireless telegraph statioi in Mexico City has been equipped to communicate with all the tries of the world. "HIGHEST TEST" of the price of ordinary gasoline INSTANT STARTING QUICK PICK-UP PHILLIPS 66 is made by the world's largest producers of natural higli gravity gasoline GENERAL TXRH Dear bewildered call jcm that, if you have been reading gasoline meats, because they sound so much alike: Hence we give you one outstanding, tional fact about Phillips 66 the greater gasoline.

It is this: Phillips 66 has a weather-matching gravity of 65.3° to 69.6°, at oo increase in price over ordinary gasoline. That is a unique statement. Only the worthy Phillips organisation can make it about a gasoline. And it means that you can! actually feel the difference in your car ii fester starting, quicker pick-up, smoother ning, longer mileage. Try it and you'll agree that this sensational new gas brings out the best in your motor; That Orange and Black 66 shield is the sign that says, "Here's high test without higher cost" Also Phillips 66 Ifrhyl at the regular price of Ethyl gasoline.

Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois (2024)


Where is Alton Telegraph located? ›

219 Piasa St. Alton, Illinois

What is Alton Illinois famous for? ›

Alton has been telling its story in hundreds of ways over its nearly 200 year lifetime. It was home to the world's tallest man--Robert Wadlow and the Piasa--legendary man-eating bird. It was also the site of Abraham Lincoln's one and only duel.

Is Alton, Illinois a good place to live? ›

Living in Alton offers residents a sparse suburban feel and most residents own their homes. In Alton there are a lot of bars. Many families live in Alton and residents tend to have moderate political views. The public schools in Alton are above average.

Who owns Alton Telegraph? ›

The Telegraph is owned by Hearst Newspapers, a company with more than 4,000 employees spread across 24 dailies and 64 weeklies across the nation.

Is Alton Illinois a city or town? ›

Welcome to the website of the City of Alton Illinois!

Founded in 1837, Alton is a city that is very rich in history and has a lot to offer.

Is The Telegraph conservative? ›

The Daily Telegraph is politically conservative and has endorsed the Conservative Party at every UK general election since 1945.

What is the most safest place to live in Illinois? ›

The Top 10 Safest Cities in Illinois
  • Elburn.
  • Campton Hills.
  • Manhattan.
  • Hawthorn Woods.
  • Gilberts.
  • Huntley.
  • Hinsdale.
  • Justice.
May 7, 2024

What is the cost of living in Alton Illinois? ›

The total cost of housing, food, child care, transportation, health care, taxes, and other necessities for a single adult in Alton is $34,829 a year — less than the annual cost of living for Illinois of $37,387 and less than the national figure of $38,433.

What is the poverty rate in Alton Illinois? ›

The average household income in Alton is $64,590 with a poverty rate of 24.52%.

What family owned Alton Towers? ›

Alton Towers was originally owned by the Earl of Shrewsbury and the Talbot family. The Talbots were the owners and residents between 1412 and 1924. In more recent years, Nick Leslau, Chairman of Prestbury Investments, purchased the property to become the official owner of Alton Towers.

Who founded Alton? ›

Colonel Easton purchased the site of the future town of Alton as an investment, and in 1817 laid out a town, which he called Alton, in honor of his son, Alton R. Easton. Later, in 1846, Alton Easton would command a regiment known as the St. Louis Legion during the Mexican-American War.

Who owns Alton Square Mall? ›

In 2015, NorthMarq sold the mall to Hull Property Group.

What town or city is Alton Towers in? ›

Alton Towers Resort is located in Staffordshire, England, near the village of Alton.

Where is Alton Aviation headquarters? ›

Alton Aviation Consultancy was founded in 2016 and is headquartered in New York, USA, and operates globally with offices in Hong Kong, Beijing, Singapore, and Tokyo.

Where is Alton Lane based? ›

Alton Lane offers modern bespoke suits, blazers, trousers, tuxedos, and shirts. The company is headquartered in Richmond, Virginia, and its suits are produced in Germany, Italy, and Thailand. Alton lane uses a combination of 3D body scanners and hand measurements to produce fully custom clothing.

Where is Alton Steel headquarters? ›

Mail to 5 Cut Street, Alton IL 62002. Email to

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

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Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.